Edebî Eleştiri Dergisi (Journal of Literary Criticism) published semi-annual in March and October. Only articles in literature are published in the journal. The aim of the Journal of Literary Criticism is to give a new breath to literature studies. In this context, studies will be focused on studies which are the manifestation of critical reading.
The Journal of Literary Criticism gives priority to quality in each issue. Articles sent to our journal must not have been published elsewhere in any way or sent for publication. Postgraduate theses or congress / symposium etc. Articles produced from the papers presented at scientific meetings can be published on the condition that an explanation is given on this issue. Although the publication language of the journal is Turkish, articles written in English, French and German may be included, if deemed appropriate by the editor and the editorial board. The number of articles in a foreign language that can be included in a single issue cannot exceed twenty percent of the total number of articles of that issue. Our journal includes research, reviews, translation articles as well as book reviews.
- Edebî Eleştiri Dergisi (EEDER) is a refereed journal that started its publication life in 2017. Manuscripts submitted to our journal must technically comply with the following spelling criteria. Manuscripts that violate the spelling rules of our journal will be rejected directly. While submitting the manuscripts, the copyright agreement form must be filled in and uploaded to the system with wet signature.
- Paper Layout and Font Sizes: The manuscripts to be submitted to our journal must be in accordance with the article template. Submitted manuscripts must be written in A4 page size in Office 2013 or higher word programme and must be uploaded to the system in word format. The name of the article file uploaded to the system should not contain any information about the identity of the author. The article will be edited based on the template file. In the article template, all dimensions of the article are automatically adjusted. Those who need a different font in the article should send this font with the article file. The text of the article should be maximum 12.000 words in Turkish and English, excluding title, abstract, abstract, keywords, keywords and bibliography. In accordance with the blind refereeing system and ethical rules, the author's name, surname, title, institution and contact information should not be included in the article. For the manuscripts that are decided to be published after the referee reports and editorial decision, such information will be requested from the authors separately.
- Quotations: Direct quotations not exceeding three lines should be given in quotation marks within the paragraph, and quotations exceeding three lines should be given in a separate paragraph, within quotation marks, starting 1 cm from the left (right indent value should be 0). Such quotations should be indented on the first line and the font size should be 10. Italic font should not be used in quotations (first line indent value should be 0). Poetry quotations should be written in 10 pt. with single line spacing and paragraph spacing of 2 pt. before and after.
- Headings: All headings in the article, except for headings such as introduction, conclusion and appendix, must be numbered. Only the first letters of headings such as introduction, conclusion, appendix should be capitalised and set in 11 pt. bold. 1st, 2nd and 3rd level headings should be capitalised with the first letter of each word in 11 pt, bold and vertical. 4th and lower level headings should be italicised in 10 pt, not bold. If the article is derived from a graduate thesis or presented at a symposium/congress etc., this should be indicated with a footnote in the title. However, due to the practice of blind refereeing, articles derived from graduate theses or papers should not indicate from which thesis or paper they are derived. For articles that have successfully passed the referee and editor evaluation, this issue will be clearly stated later.
- Tables, pictures and figures: Tables, pictures, photographs and figures in the article should be centred on the page. If the table does not fit on the page, the justify both sides option may be preferred.
The number (Table1., Picture1., Photograph1., Figure1. etc.) and name of the tables, pictures, photographs and figures should be written in 9 pt. and vertically, centred just below the tables, pictures, photographs and figures. The sources, if any, should be written under the number and name, again centred, in 9 pt. and vertically.
- Book reviews, publication reviews: There is a word limit for book reviews or publication reviews to be submitted to our journal. The maximum number of words in such articles should be 3000. These types of articles should also include an abstract and an abstract. The same rules that apply to other articles also apply to these articles. In addition, the cover photo of the book should be uploaded to the system as an additional file and the book's imprint should be included as a footnote on the first page, including all information (author information, ISBN, translator, editor, edition and page number, publishing house, place of publication, etc.).
- Referencing and Bibliography Preparation: Only APA method will be used in articles submitted to our journal. Footnotes can only be used for mandatory explanations. In the article, the author is obliged to cite the source for all kinds of information, comments, thoughts, etc. whose source is known, except for the author's own opinions and general information, and to show it in the bibliography. The Journal of Edebî Eleştiri and its editors cannot be held responsible for quotations and references whose sources are not given or not shown in the bibliography. All legal and moral obligations in this regard belong to the authors. The bibliography should be written in 10 pt and 1.15 line spacing, 3 pt paragraph spacing should be left before and after, and the hanging value should be 1 cm.
- Author names before the surname law should be given as they are in the bibliography. (Rauf should be given as Mehmet Rauf, not M.).
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
1. Publication Ethics
The following ethical duties and responsibilities are based on the recommendations and guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Our journal is committed to comply with the following ethical principles.
2. Ethical Responsibilities of Publishers
The publisher does not seek any financial profit by publishing the journal.
The publisher is committed to the independent judgment of the editors regarding manuscripts submitted to the journal.
The publisher has the responsibility to take measures against any kind of scientific misconduct, citation mongering and plagiarism related to the editors.
Freedom of opinion and property rights of articles submitted to our journal are respected. Publishers protect the intellectual property and copyright of every article published in the journal. The journal management defends the rights of the journal and authors in possible violations.
3. Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
3.1. General Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editor should ensure that the articles published in the journal comply with the journal's editorial policy and the journal's purpose and scope.
The editor should take care to protect the personal data in the articles submitted to the journal and should not publish these personal data without the explicit consent of the individuals. The editor should ensure that all information about the manuscript submitted to the journal is kept confidential until publication.
The editor should meticulously take into account the criticisms about the articles published in the journal and should show a constructive attitude in this regard.
The editor should keep the correspondence, files and other records related to the manuscripts submitted to the journal in electronic or printed form.
The editor should do the necessary work to raise the quality standards of the journal and the publication.
The editor should defend the diversity of academic ideas and freedom of scientific thought. At the same time, the editor should maintain the functioning of the journal by observing intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
The editor should evaluate the manuscripts received by the journal in terms of scientific content without taking into account the ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious beliefs or political philosophy of the authors.
The editor should prioritize the principle of transparency in all publication processes (in matters requiring correction, modification and clarification for any reason) in accordance with the editorial policy.
The editor should ensure that human and animal rights are protected in manuscripts submitted to the journal. The editor should reject the manuscript in the absence of ethics committee approval or legal permissions for experimental research.
The editor should ensure that blind and double review processes are carried out in a healthy manner.
Only the editor and the editorial board have full authority to appoint referees for the manuscripts, and the editor and the editorial board are responsible for the final decision regarding the publication of the manuscript.
3.2. Editors' Relations with the Journal Owner and Publisher
There should be editorial independence between the editor and the publisher.
The relationship between the editor and the publisher should be based on a written contract.
The editor's decisions regarding the articles in the journal should be independent and not open to the intervention of the publisher and the journal owner.
3.3. Editors' Relations with the Editorial Board
The editor should be in communication with the editorial board.
The editor should ensure that the editorial board consists of active members who contribute to the journal and are compatible with the field of the journal.
The editor should ensure that the editorial board is objective and impartial in their evaluations.
3.4. Relations of the Editors with the Editorial Board
The people in the editorial board of the journal should actively contribute to the development of the journal.
The editor should inform the editorial board about articles and studies related to their fields.
The editor should shape the publication policy of the journal by taking into account the opinions and suggestions of the editorial board.
3.5. Editors' Relations with Authors
The editor should ensure that authors have access to the current version of the journal's publication and writing guidelines and the article template.
The editor should take the manuscripts to the preliminary evaluation stage unless there is a very important problem in the manuscripts submitted to the journal.
The editor should provide authors with accurate, explanatory and informative notification and feedback about all stages of their manuscripts.
The editor should not ignore positive referee suggestions. In case of rejection of positive referee suggestions, the reason for rejection should be evaluated within the framework of scientific, ethical, legal, etc. norms.
The editor should give the authors the right to reply to the criticisms received.
The editor should immediately forward the correction suggestions requested by the referees to the author.
3.6. Editors' Relations with Reviewers
The editor should appoint referees suitable for the field and content of the manuscripts submitted to the journal.
The editor should send the referees the necessary forms and files related to the evaluation of the manuscripts in due time.
The editor should remove the referees who do not return within the deadline or who do not comply with the ethics of refereeing from the referee pool.
The editor should immediately forward the corrections made by the author in the manuscript files to the referees.
The editor should keep the identity information of the referees confidential during the publication evaluation process.
The editor should prevent offensive reviews that do not comply with scientific ethics before they reach the author.
The editor should always update the referee pool of the journal and create a wide range.
The editor should make an effort to send manuscripts to different referees.
The editor should direct the manuscripts to referees who do not have a conflict of interest or unity of interest.
The editor should encourage the referees to evaluate the manuscripts in an impartial, scientific and objective manner.
3.7. Editors' Relations with Readers
The editor is obliged to take into account the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners and to provide healthy feedback to readers, researchers and feedbackers on these feedbacks.
4. Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
4.1. Double Blind Refereeing
Reviewers should act with impartiality and confidentiality in accordance with the blind review process.
4.2. Confidentiality
The manuscripts sent to the referees for evaluation must be kept confidential. The manuscripts should not be shown to others and their contents should not be discussed. The rule of confidentiality also extends to persons who refuse to serve as reviewers.
4.3. Urgency
A reviewer who receives an invitation to review a manuscript must notify the editor within 15 days whether or not he/she is able to review the manuscript. The referee should complete the evaluation process within 15 days and the authors should complete the changes notified to the corresponding author within 15 days.
4.4. Citing Sources
Reviewers should notify the editor of the journal if they become aware of uncited publications, copyright infringement and plagiarism by the author.
4.5. Impartiality
Reviewers should evaluate the manuscript in an impartial, scientific and objective manner. Reviewers should avoid insults and personal comments, and should evaluate the manuscript in accordance with the minimum courtesy rules. Reviewers should evaluate the article by considering scientific criteria.
4.6. Courtesy
Reviewers should avoid unsubstantiated assessments that are not scholarly or that may have legal consequences.
4.7. Expertise
Reviewers should accept manuscripts related to their area of expertise and reject manuscripts outside their area of expertise.
4.8. Conflict of Interest-Unity of Interest
If the reviewers notice a conflict of interest or conflict of interest regarding the study they are evaluating, they should refuse to serve as a reviewer and notify the journal editor.
5. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The author(s) agrees that all publishing rights of the work published in the journal belong to the journal they submit. Author(s) cannot claim copyright for the articles they send to our journal.
The author(s) must upload the manuscripts to the system in accordance with the journal's publication and writing rules and article template.
The author(s) must declare and undertake that the article sent to the journal for publication has not been previously published anywhere, in any language, has not been sent to another journal for publication, or has not been evaluated for publication; if all or part of the article has been published, all necessary permissions have been obtained for publication in our journal and the original copyright transfer form has been sent to the journal editorial office.
The author(s) should not submit more than one article to be published in the same issue.
The author(s) should not add the names of people who do not contribute to the article as authors.
The author(s) must ensure the originality of the manuscript(s) submitted to the journal
The author(s) should assume full responsibility for any copyrighted material (tables, figures, contributed citations, etc.) in our journal.
The author(s) should cite other authors, contributors or sources appropriately and the relevant references should be indicated.
The author(s) should disclose any financial relationship or areas of conflict of interest or competing interest, if any, that should be known about the work submitted to our journal and that could potentially affect the findings or scientific outcome of the study; all financial contributions, sponsorships or project support to the study should be indicated in writing.
If the manuscripts submitted to the journal have been presented at national or international congresses or symposia and the abstracts have been published, the author(s) should indicate these qualifications.
When the author(s) detects a significant scientific error or inappropriateness in the manuscript published in our journal, the author(s) should contact the editor quickly to withdraw the manuscript or to correct the error in the manuscript.
The author(s) should ensure that the manuscripts submitted to our journal comply with scientific research and publication ethics. In this regard, the author(s) should strictly comply with the rules specified in the Higher Education Council's Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
The author(s) must submit the additional documents requested by the journal editorial office regarding the ethical status of the manuscript while the preliminary control, evaluation and editing process of the manuscript is in progress.
The author(s) should not change his/her responsibilities regarding a publication whose evaluation process has started (adding/removing authors, changing the order).
The author(s) should respect basic human rights and animal rights in the manuscripts they send to the journal for publication. In this context, ethics committee approval must be obtained for the subjects to be used in the articles.
The journal management, the editor and the editorial board assume that the authors who submit articles to be published in our journal agree to comply with the above-mentioned conditions.
6. Compliance with YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive
“Actions contrary to scientific research and publication ethics” in Article 8 of the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive is as follows. Authors should seriously avoid the issues detailed below:
a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as one's own work in whole or in part without citing the authors in accordance with scientific rules.
b) Forgery: Producing data that are not based on research, editing or modifying the submitted or published work based on untrue data, reporting or publishing them, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it has been conducted.
c) Distortion: Falsifying research records and data obtained, presenting methods, devices and materials that were not used in the research as if they had been used, excluding data that do not conform to the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit relevant theories or assumptions, falsifying or shaping research results in line with the interests of the persons and organizations receiving support.
ç) Republishing: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions.
d) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in associate professorship exam evaluations and academic promotions by inappropriately dividing the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and making multiple publications without citing each other.
e) Unfair authorship: Including people who have not made active contributions among the authors, not including people who have made active contributions among the authors, changing the author ranking in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those who have made active contributions from the work during publication or in subsequent editions, using his/her influence to have his/her name included among the authors even though he/she has not made active contributions.
f) Other types of ethical violations: Failure to clearly indicate the persons, institutions or organizations providing support and their contributions to the research in the publications of research conducted with support. Failure to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in publications, sharing the information contained in a work that he/she has been assigned to review as a referee with others before publication, misusing the resources, spaces, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research, making completely groundless, unwarranted and deliberate accusations of ethical violations.
Notifying the Editor of the Situation that Does Not Comply with Ethical Principles
Any behavior that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding editors, referees, authors, or any unethical situation related to an article in the review process, in early view, or in a published article should be reported to edebielestiridergisi@gmail.com.
Publication Policy
No fee is charged to the authors for the articles submitted to Edebî Eleştiri Journal.
Articles submitted to our journal can be withdrawn while they are in the preliminary review stage without going through the evaluation stage. Articles that are sent to the referees and passed to the evaluation stage cannot be withdrawn.
Authors are required to follow the process of the article only through the system. If necessary, a letter to the editor can be written only for technical problems. Apart from this, no letter to the editor can be written in any way regarding the functioning of the article in the referee process. In addition, the editor and the editorial board cannot be held responsible in any way for the decisions made by the referees.
Each manuscript (including book reviews) submitted to our journal is sent to two referees with at least a doctoral degree after meeting the necessary prerequisites. If the article receives a positive report from both referees, it is published in our journal with the approval of the editor. If both referees give a negative report, the article is rejected. If one of the referees gives a positive report and the other one gives a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee with the right of disposal to the editor and a final decision is made according to the result. For an article that the referee suggests a correction, the author must upload a correction file to the system within 1 month at the latest. The evaluation process for the manuscript of the authors who do not upload the corrected text within 1 month following the referee's correction suggestion will be terminated and the manuscript will be rejected.
While uploading the manuscripts to the system, the author's name, address, institution, etc. information should not be included in any way. Manuscripts containing any of this information will be rejected directly.
The process of manuscripts submitted to our journal varies according to the intensity of the manuscript and the return times of the referees, but is completed within an average of 3 (three) months. This is not the time guaranteed by the editor, but the average time needed under normal conditions.
No fee is charged to the author or his/her institution under any name.
The Journal of Edebî Eleştiri does not charge any fee to authors for article submission, processing and publication of articles.
Journal of Literary Criticism is a refereed journal published in the scope of literature.